Monday, December 20, 2010

verruca plana or flat wart

patient developed multiple skin colored papules after threading.
T/T : radiofrequency ablation was done successfully.

extensive DLE

patient presented with scaly plaque with photosensitiviy, ANA -ve, patient was put on sustemic steroid with some improvement.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

chronic paronychia

P alba

an eight year old child presented with hypopigmented macules over face.

perioral dermatitis

allergic contact dermatitis

house wife presented with eczema over dorsal aspects of fingers, she is giving history of exacerbation of lesions after using detergent & soaps. t/t given was symptomatic & use of polythene gloves, result was complete clearance of lesions with in a week.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

becker's nevus

An acquired and persistent asymmetrical area of skin
pigmentation, sometimes showing evidence of increased
androgen sensitivity, and co-localizing with other developmental
anomalies. M>F, seen in post-pubertal age.

tinea incognito

patient was applying mometasone over affected area since 1 yr, as we can see atrophy & striae due to application of steroid.